Celebrating more than 50 Years In Ministry

 We believe there is a tremendous global opportunity to make an impact for God and win souls

as the convergence of the priesthood and kingship overtake the marketplace.

Dominion Mandate


Apostolic & Prophetic Equipping




Dr Stephen C Everett

Apostle Dr. Stephen Everett has walked with God since the early 1970s when a time of regional renewal swept through Jacksonville, North Carolina. The past 40+ years have allowed him to encounter firsthand many of the transitions the Church has experienced. Respected globally by many brethren as a clear apostolic voice, Dr. Everett has a passion for seeing the Church model the culture of the Kingdom of God as revealed in the Scriptures.

Dr. Everett has invested many years of studying the Word of God, allowing The Word to cultivate within him an apostolic voice of reformation that is relevant, revolutionary, inspirational, and thought-provoking.

Dr. Everett has ministered extensively in the United States and in several nations. He is known as a global igniter helping to lay the groundwork for a new generation of God’s Kingdom reformers from the United States, to Central and South America, from Estonia to South Africa, and even reaching into Japan.

His passion is for the development and maturation of the body of Christ in love and reconciliation in order to fulfill the Great Command and Commission. After serving in the pastorate for 30+ years, Dr. Everett now travels full-time to speak to congregations, at conferences and other events, to corporate or marketplace leadership teams, in Bible Schools, and other venues as the Lord desires and leads.

To invite Dr. Everett to speak, please click here to reach out via the Contact Page and we will be happy to connect with you for further details.

In addition to his travel and speaking itinerary, Dr. Everett devotes time as a published Author to pour the message of our dynamic covenant through Christ and His Kingdom into books and resources. His published works include The Mystery of Melchisedec, The Sound That Changed Everything, God’s Kingdom, and The New Testament Principle of Kingdom Stewardship, the Dynamic Covenant Series of study guides, as well and the newly-released, “The Savior’s Perfect Yoke,” the first in the training series from the God’s Kingdom Leaders’ Summits and Apostolic Schools.   

We invite you to click here to visit the Resource Page for these and other powerful life-transforming tools and resources.

Dr Stephen C Everett


Drs. Stephen & Michelle Everett


PO BOX 101678

CAPE CORAL FL 33910-1678

(239) 599-2236

(or use the Contact Form to send an email.)

Dr Stephen C Everett

Dr. Stephen Everett is an apostolic voice of reformation that is relevant, revolutionary, inspirational, and thought-provoking.

His passion is for the development and maturation of the body of Christ in love and reconciliation in order to fulfill the Great Command and Commission.

Dr. Stephen Everett is a global igniter helping to lay the groundwork for a new generation of God's Kingdom reformers from the United States, to Central and South America, from Estonia to South Africa, and even reaching into Japan.

Dr. Stephen Everett's latest book is available now! Click here.

Dr. Michelle Everett is an Adventure Chaplain and Mountain Taker. She is the host of the weekly television broadcast, "Great Faith Adventures." When not training teams or prayer hiking the nation's highest peaks, she serves as Publisher & TV Producer at Power House Studios. (You can connect with Dr. Michelle Everett here.)
